I’ve made Bread!

I can’t believe it, I’ve actually made bread. Successful, soft bread. No egg, no baking powder or bicarb, just luck I guess…or a bit too much research into the science of bread. I made the dough in the morning, and kneaded it again at 3pm, and then put it in the oven at 5.30pm. It fit right into my uni schedule. It tastes great aswell, because it has mustard and herbs in it which gives a salty flavour. What really upset me is that I was gonna make this in my food processor, but it broke halfway through. DAMN YOU KENWOOD. Upon complaining about it to my sister, she pointed out that “Jessica, a lot of the people you write for don’t own food processors anyway, so it’s good to not have it for a while”. And, judging by the success of this bread, if I can do it without a food processor, so can you.

Anyway, this is something that involves patience. And don’t give up halfway through, otherwise it wont work.

Ingredients-serves a roll enough for 1 person

1 cup of flour

-1 7g sachet of yeast

-1tsp salt

-1tsp mustard

-1 tsp herbs

-1/4 cup of warm water


Mix together the dry ingredients, bar the mustard and the herbs.

-With a fork, slowly add the water, trying to blend together the ingredients into a dough, once the fork proves redundant, start to add the mustard and herbs and use your hands.

-The dough should be sticky, but tough. Form into a ball and turn out onto a floured surface and start to knead. Kneading involves bring the edge of the ball from the back and folding it towards you. Then turn the dough 90 degrees clockwise, and do the same thing again. Do this for about 4-5 minutes. The dough should still be sticky.

-Put the dough in a clean bowl, and cover in cling film. Store in a warm dry place, I put mine in the cupboard next to the boiler.

-After at least an hour (I left mine for 3), or until the ball has doubled in size, turn the dough out onto a flour surface and flatten with the heel of your hand to flatten the bubbles. Knead a bit more for 4 minutes. Place back in bowl and re-cover with cling film. Leave to prove for another hour +.

-Once the dough has risen again, put into an oven pre-heated at 200 c. and form into a shape of your choice. Place on a greased baking sheet/tray and cook for 40 minutes-hour (or until it looks ready!).


Filed under Bread, Pastries and Pizza

10 responses to “I’ve made Bread!

  1. Lovcely photos Jess. Shame as the processor. Was it not under guarantee?

  2. Sorry, that meant to say “Lovely photos!” and “shame about the processor”

    • Thanks! Yeah the food processor is being annoying, it is under guarantee but the nearest repair shops are in wakefield and huddersfield, so i have to wait until i can come home and i can take it to wood green. i might be able to get argos to fix it for me too!

  3. Congrats with your first loaf of homemade bread. I remember the excitement I had when I baked my first! Yours look great!

  4. this looks fabulous
    for this roti use half the amount, if there are leftovers you can store them in the freezer for long or fridge to use within 2 to 3 days
    do try this it is a family recipes šŸ™‚

  5. Your bread looks fabulous! Seriously…awesome job!

  6. Your bread looks wonderful! I bet it smelled amazing baking!

  7. There’s nothing like the aroma of bread baking at home. The mustard and herbs must have been lovely in this loaf!

  8. Arrange on a well greased baking dish in the oven for about an hour not sure of the temperature , it should be the same consistency of cornbread.

  9. Pingback: Caramelised Onion and Rosemary Bread | A Thrifty Foodie

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